
Supercharge Your Cold Outreach with a Job Boards Tactic They Can’t Ignore

15 Aug, 2024

cold email delivrability

“Cold email is dead.”

I disagree. 

As long as people are using email inboxes, cold email is alive. 

You just have to play the game a lot smarter.

No 1. Don’t spam everyone

You are getting nowhere really fast if your emails start landing in irrelevant inboxes. 

Only target people in the market for your service.

How you acquire your prospect data is now more crucial than ever.

No 2. Keep it personal

It has to look personal and not like it’s going to be sent to 10.000 other contacts.

In this article I will go through a job board strategy to help you nail these two points.

If you follow this and do this correctly, I can guarantee you that cold email is not dead for you. 

Why a Strategic Approach to Prospecting Matters More Than Ever

Simply buying a random list of contacts and sending out generic messages no longer give effective results.

To truly stand out and initiate meaningful conversations, a strategic, personalized approach to prospecting is essential.

This is particularly crucial in recruitment, where the goal is to spark curiosity and encourage prospects to engage further.

One innovative strategy involves leveraging job boards to identify leads and reaching out with personalized videos.

Here's how you can revolutionize your prospecting efforts using this method.

Leveraging Job Boards for High-Quality Leads

Job boards like Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn have become gold mines for recruiters.

When companies post job openings, it signals that they have a specific need and likely the budget to address it.

This makes job boards an ideal starting point for lead generation.

Here are some benefits of using job boards:

  • Targeted Leads: Job postings provide clear indications of company needs and open roles, allowing you to focus on organizations actively seeking solutions.
  • Current Information: Job boards are updated frequently, ensuring leads are relevant and up-to-date, reducing the time spent on outdated or inaccurate information.
  • Pre-Qualified Prospects: Companies advertising job openings are actively looking for solutions, making them more receptive to outreach and increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Insight into Company Priorities: Job descriptions often outline key challenges and priorities, offering valuable insights that can be used to tailor your messaging.
  • Easy Identification of Decision Makers: Job postings typically mention the department or team, helping you identify potential decision-makers or influencers within the company.

job board cold outreach strategy

Filtering Job Boards for Relevant Leads

The key to effective prospecting is not just finding leads but finding the right leads. Filtering job boards to identify common denominators such as job titles, required expertise, and locations allows for a highly personalized outreach. Here's how to refine your search for maximum relevance:

  1. Define Your Ideal Candidate Profile: Start by outlining the specific criteria for the roles you're targeting. For example, if you are looking for marketing managers, determine the required skills, years of experience, industry background, and geographic location. This specificity will help narrow down your search and ensure you only target relevant prospects.

  1. Use Advanced Search Filters: Most job boards offer advanced search functionalities that allow you to filter results by various criteria such as job title, location, company size, and posting date. Utilize these filters to streamline your search and focus on the most pertinent job listings.

  1. Identify Common Denominators: Look for patterns and commonalities among the job listings. Are there specific industries or sectors that frequently post for the roles you’re interested in? Are certain companies repeatedly seeking the same expertise? These patterns can provide valuable insights into market demand and help you prioritize your outreach.

  1. Geographic Relevance: Ensure the job listings are in the locations you are targeting. If you specialize in a particular region, filter out postings outside that area to maintain relevance. For example, if you're focusing on marketing managers in New York, exclude listings from other states to keep your outreach pertinent.

  1. Analyze Job Descriptions: Dive deep into the job descriptions to understand the specific needs and challenges the companies are facing. Pay attention to the language and keywords used, as this can help you tailor your messaging to resonate with their needs. Mentioning these details in your outreach demonstrates a keen understanding of their requirements.

  1. Prioritize Recent Listings: Focus on recently posted job ads, as these companies are actively seeking solutions. Older postings might indicate a filled position or a change in priorities. Targeting fresh listings increases the chances of timely engagement.

  1. Leverage Boolean Searches: Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine search terms and refine your results further. For instance, searching for "marketing manager" AND "digital marketing" NOT "entry-level" can help you find more precise matches.

job board cold outreach strategy

By carefully filtering job boards and zeroing in on the most relevant leads, you can create a more personalized and effective outreach strategy. This targeted approach ensures your emails feel individually crafted, even when sent at scale, significantly increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversation.

Using Tools to Automate Data Scraping and Finding Contact Information

To efficiently gather and utilize data from job boards, leveraging automation tools like is essential. These tools streamline the data collection process, allowing you to focus on crafting personalized outreach strategies. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use these tools and find the necessary contact information:

Setting Up the Tool: Begin by configuring to scrape relevant job boards for specific criteria. Define parameters such as job titles, company names, locations, and posting dates to ensure the tool extracts only the most pertinent data.

Data Extraction: Once configured, systematically scans job boards and extracts essential details from job postings, including:

  • Company Name: Identifying the organization posting the job.
  • Job Title: Capturing the specific role being advertised.
  • Job Description URL: Collecting the URL of the job ad, which can be used in your personalized outreach.
  • Posting Date: Recording when the job was posted to prioritize recent listings.

Organizing and Enriching the Data: After extraction, organize the data into a structured format such as a spreadsheet or CRM system. Clean the data by removing duplicates or irrelevant entries. Use enrichment tools like to add more details about the companies and contacts, such as company size, industry, and other relevant metrics. This enhanced data provides a deeper understanding of your prospects.

Finding Contact Information: With a detailed list of companies and job postings, the next step is to identify the right contacts within these organizations. Utilize tools such as Dropcontact to find email addresses, or employ a virtual assistant (VA) to manually search LinkedIn for the relevant personnel. The VA can look up the company on LinkedIn, identify key decision-makers, and gather their contact information. Alternatively, you can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to streamline this process.

Verifying Contacts: Ensure that the contact information gathered is accurate and up-to-date. Tools like Dropcontact not only find email addresses but also verify their validity, reducing bounce rates and increasing the likelihood of successful outreach.

By combining the power of automated data scraping with thorough contact information gathering, you can build a highly targeted and relevant prospect list. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that your outreach is personalized and impactful, leading to more meaningful conversations and successful recruitment outcomes.

Crafting Personalized Video Outreach

In a world with generic emails as standard, crafting personalized video outreach will significantly improve your prospecting efforts.

This approach humanizes your communication, builds relationships, and establishes trust before the call or meeting.

Personalized videos allow you to present yourself as more than just a name behind an email. 

They convey your personality, tone, and enthusiasm, which are often lost in text-based communication.

This human touch helps prospects see you as a genuine person interested in their needs, rather than just another salesperson.

Establishing a connection with prospects before any formal interaction is crucial.

Videos can express emotions and show a sense of sincerity and commitment that text alone cannot.

The viewer can see your expressions, hear your voice, and feel your enthusiasm, which makes the message more engaging and relatable.

By addressing the prospect directly and referencing specifics about their job ad, you demonstrate that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in their particular needs.

This level of personalization can pique their curiosity and encourage them to respond. 

Moreover, a well-crafted video shows that you value their time enough to create something unique for them, which can set the tone for a positive and productive relationship.

By using tools like, you can create these personalized videos efficiently, ensuring each outreach feels unique and tailored, ultimately leading to higher engagement and more meaningful conversations.

job board cold outreach strategy video

Step-by-step guide on how to do this at the end of the article.

Scaling Your Outreach with Automation Tools

To maximize the efficiency and reach of your prospecting efforts, leveraging automation tools is essential. These tools allow you to maintain the high level of personalization and relevance achieved through personalized video outreach, but at a much larger scale. Here’s how to effectively scale your outreach using automation tools:

Automation tools like Lemlist, Smartlead, and Instantly are designed to handle large volumes of email outreach while maintaining a personalized touch. These platforms allow you to create email sequences that can be tailored with dynamic variables, such as the recipient's name, company, job title, and specific references to their job postings. This ensures that each email feels unique, even when sent to thousands of prospects. With these tools, you can also schedule follow-up emails, track open rates, click-through rates, and responses, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your campaigns and allowing for continuous optimization.

job board cold outreach strategy

For LinkedIn outreach, tools like Expandi can automate connection requests and messages, again using dynamic variables to personalize each interaction. Expandi also allows you to set up drip campaigns, where a series of messages are sent over time, helping to nurture leads and move them down the funnel. These tools can integrate with your CRM, ensuring that all interactions are logged and that your sales team has up-to-date information on each prospect.

By integrating these automation tools with your video creation tools like, you can further enhance the personalization of your outreach. For example, after scraping data from job boards and enriching it with contact information, you can create personalized videos that reference specific job postings and embed these videos in your automated emails or LinkedIn messages. This approach ensures that your outreach is not only scalable but also highly relevant and engaging.

Additionally, using platforms like Zapier to connect various tools can automate workflows, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. For instance, you can set up a workflow where new job postings scraped by are automatically added to your CRM, enriched with contact information via Dropcontact, and then queued for personalized video creation and automated outreach.

In summary, by leveraging automation tools, you can scale your outreach efforts without compromising on personalization and relevance. This approach allows you to efficiently manage large volumes of prospects, maintain consistent and meaningful engagement, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates.


By leveraging job boards to acquire highly targeted prospect data, and using personalized video outreach to humanize your communication, you can avoid the pitfalls of spamming irrelevant inboxes and ensure your messages feel genuinely personal.

This strategy aligns perfectly with the principles of smart cold emailing: precision targeting and meaningful personalization.

As you implement the steps outlined in this article—scraping relevant job postings, enriching contact information, and creating engaging video messages—you will see that cold email is far from dead.

In fact, when done correctly, it can rapidly grow your business.

By playing the game smarter, you can turn cold leads into warm conversations and successful conversions.

Follow these steps, and cold email will remain a powerful part of your prospecting strategy.

Step By step RepliQ

  1. Log in and choose the video option:
job board cold outreach strategy

  1. Select job boards background
job board cold outreach strategy

Step 3. Upload your video

job board cold outreach strategy

4. Upload your lead list

Step 5. Choose your video options, add your CTA and Calendar. Choose to upload your own or your client’s logo to make the video yours. You can also add a custom domain to hide RepliQ.

job board cold outreach strategy

Step 6. DONE! Download your file and use it in your outreach tool.

Get started with RepliQ today.

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