
RepliQ AI writer powered by GPT-4 Vision: Personalized cold message at scale that reach inboxes

23 July, 2024

cold email delivrability

Have you noticed a drop in your email deliverability over the past two months?

Well, you are not alone…

The cold email industry is at a turning point.

If you don't adapt soon, your efforts in sending cold emails will become totally useless.

Email providers are becoming increasingly good at identifying automated emails. If your emails resemble one another too closely, this won't help you avoid the spam folder.

Many people use templates and alter just a few details with "Variables" or "Spintax," but this approach won’t be enough in the near future.

What you need is a completely unique email for each person you're reaching out to. This makes it very difficult for email providers to discern that your emails are automated.

The more "different" each message is from the other the higher the chance it lands in the leads inbox. 

If you want to learn about how to win this war, keep on reading…

The Challenges of Email Deliverability

Over the past few months, many people have noticed a significant drop in email deliverability, and it’s not just an isolated issue.

Email providers are continually refining their algorithms to spot automated emails, focusing on common patterns and repetitive content.

This has made it increasingly difficult for traditional templates, which rely on minor changes with variables or spintax, to bypass these filters.

These methods often result in emails that, despite small tweaks, still appear too similar, making them prime targets for spam detection.

Consequently, many outreach efforts suffer from poor deliverability, as these automated emails get flagged and filtered out before they can engage the recipient.

The result is wasted effort and investment, with businesses losing potential leads and damaging their credibility due to emails that never reach their intended audience.

Why Traditional Personalization Falls Short

  • Lack of Genuine Relevance: Traditional personalization techniques, such as using variables for names or companies, often produce emails that lack depth and fail to address the recipient's specific context.
  • Perceived as Superficial: These methods can be easily recognized as insincere and formulaic, leading to a lack of engagement from recipients.
  • Increased Discerning Expectations: As recipients become more discerning, they expect, personalized emails that demonstrate a deeper understanding of their unique needs and interests.
  • Risk of Being Ignored: Superficial personalization can result in emails being ignored, as they fail to offer real value or relevance.
  • Undermines Connection Building: Relying solely on outdated methods undermines the opportunity to build meaningful connections with prospects.

The Importance of Unique Emails for Each Prospect

Creating completely unique personalized emails for each prospect significantly enhances the likelihood of landing in their inboxes and capturing their attention.

Unique, personalized emails stand out because they are tailored to the specific interests, needs, and context of each recipient.

This personalized touch not only helps in bypassing advanced spam filters but also demonstrates genuine interest and effort, which can greatly increase engagement.

When prospects feel that an email speaks directly to them, they are more likely to respond positively, leading to higher open rates, better conversion rates, and ultimately, more successful outreach campaigns.

Investing time in crafting unique emails can result in stronger relationships with potential leads and greater overall success in your cold email efforts.

The Limitations of Existing AI Email WriterTools

Current AI email writer tools that scrape text from websites or social media profiles often fall short in creating truly personalized emails.

These tools typically gather generic information, which can result in emails that lack depth and genuine relevance.

Because they rely heavily on easily accessible textual data, the personalization they offer is often superficial and repetitive.

This method misses out on the nuanced understanding and context needed to craft messages that resonate on a personal level.

Consequently, emails generated by these AI email writer tools can come across as robotic and impersonal, failing to engage recipients meaningfully and risking being filtered out as spam.

To achieve true personalization, a more sophisticated approach that goes beyond basic text scraping is required.

Example of robotic icebreakers in the past:

Compare to emails and icebreakers in the future:

Introducing GPT-4 Vision: An Upgrade in Email Outreach

The landscape of email outreach is evolving, and GPT-4 Vision is at the forefront of this transformation.

Unlike traditional AI tools that rely solely on text scraping, GPT-4 Vision brings a new level of personalization by integrating visual analysis into email creation.

With its ability to identify specific visual elements—such as product features, awards, and user testimonials—GPT-4 Vision allows you to craft custom messages that are both relevant and engaging.

It ensures that your emails align with a company's visual style and branding, enhancing their appeal and professionalism.

Additionally, GPT-4 Vision enables the creation of insightful subject lines and hooks by referencing visual elements from a company’s website, such as recent events or new product launches.

This visual approach also extends to competitive analysis, offering a deeper understanding of industry trends through visual comparisons. In contrast, traditional tools that rely on text alone often miss out on these nuanced elements, resulting in less compelling and less effective outreach.

AI email with GPT-4 Vision Enhanced Personalization

Here are a few examples of the power of GPT-4 vision:

With GPT-4 Vision:

  1. Custom Messages: GPT-4 Vision can identify specific visual elements like product features, awards, or user testimonials that can be mentioned in the email to make it more relevant and personalized.
  2. Brand Alignment: By understanding the visual style and branding, you can ensure your email aligns with the company’s aesthetic, making it more appealing and professional.

Without Vision:

Limited Personalization: The personalization is limited to the textual information available, which might not fully capture the company’s unique attributes.

Insightful Subject Lines and Hooks

With GPT-4 Vision:

  1. Visual Elements: Create subject lines and hooks that reference visual elements from the website, such as a recent event they hosted (captured in images), a new product launch (seen in product images) or a specific design element in the landing page.
  2. Engaging Content: Use insights from visual analysis to craft more engaging and attention-grabbing opening lines.

Without Vision:

Text-Based Hooks: Subject lines and hooks that are based solely on textual content, which might not be as compelling or comprehensive.

Competitive Analysis

With GPT-4 Vision:

Visual Comparisons: Analyze competitor websites’ visuals to understand industry standards and trends, allowing you to position your email in a way that stands out.

Without Vision:

Text Comparisons: Limited to textual analysis, potentially missing out on key visual trends and elements that are influential in the industry.

Essentially, you can generate relevant email copy, icebreakers, or personalized postscripts at scale, simply from a prompt.

You can also use the prompts that we have meticulously developed and are ready to use.

Example of AI written email using GPT-4 Vision:

Example Workflow

To effectively utilize GPT-4 Vision for crafting personalized emails, follow this structured workflow to maximize relevance and engagement. Begin by analyzing the target company’s website, paying close attention to both visual and textual elements such as branding, product details, and unique features. Next, gather comprehensive insights from these visual and textual components, including recent news, design elements, and customer testimonials. Use this information to craft a tailored email:

Analyze Website Visually and Textually: Use GPT-4 Vision to analyze the target company’s website, noting key visual elements, branding, product details, and any unique aspects.

Gather Insights:Collect insights from both text and visual content, such as product features, visual design elements, recent news or events, and customer testimonials.

Opening Line: Mention a specific visual element, e.g., “I was impressed by the sleek design of your new product line featured on your homepage.”

Body: Incorporate both textual and visual insights to highlight how your offer aligns with their brand and needs.

Closing: Use a call-to-action that ties back to the visual content, e.g., “Looking forward to discussing how we can enhance your visual branding further.”

Why Our AI Email Writer Stands Out

Our AI email writer distinguishes itself from other solutions through a rigorous process of trials and refinements that address common shortcomings in the market.

Unlike standard tools that rely on basic text scraping, our system integrates advanced visual analysis with textual data to deliver a deeper level of personalization.

This comprehensive approach allows us to craft emails that are not only contextually relevant but also visually engaging, capturing the recipient’s attention more effectively.

We have tested and iterated extensively to ensure that our AI understands nuanced branding elements and unique aspects of each target, resulting in highly customized messages that avoid the pitfalls of generic automation.

The unique blend of visual and textual insights in our solution sets it apart, making it a superior choice for creating genuinely impactful email outreach.

Choose from full written emails or just icebreakers or PS:

Example using RepliQ AI writer (icebreaker) + personalized video at scale:

Test result full written email for Airtable:

Test result for

Conclusion: The Future of Cold Email Outreach

As the landscape of email outreach evolves, adapting to advanced technologies like GPT-4 Vision is crucial for maintaining effectiveness. Traditional methods and basic AI tools are increasingly falling short, struggling with issues of deliverability and personalization. By leveraging GPT-4 Vision, you can harness the power of both visual and textual analysis to create emails that are truly unique and relevant. This innovative approach ensures that your messages not only bypass sophisticated spam filters but also resonate more deeply with recipients. Embracing these new technologies will enhance your ability to engage prospects meaningfully, improve response rates, and ultimately drive better results in your cold email campaigns.


Step 1. Choose AI Cold Email Writer

Step 2. Enter your website to automatically get your USP or write it directly yourself. We will use GPT-4 Vision to generate your USP:s.

Step 3. Enter your prompt or use one of our best performing ones. Put one of your leads URL to see a test result:

Step 4. Upload your lead list containing your prospect’s URL:s. 

Step 5. DONE

Get started with RepliQ today.

Tired of generic messages?
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