
The 2 Best Cold Email Template to Sell Web Design Services

30 Sep, 2024

cold email delivrability

The world of web design is highly competitive and standing out among the countless agencies competing for clients can feel like an uphill battle.

Traditional cold email outreach often falls flat, as prospects are tired of templated messages that barely scratch the surface of their needs.

You’ve probably experienced this — sending out dozens or even hundreds of emails, only to be met with silence or spam filters.

The problem isn’t that you’re reaching out; it’s how you’re reaching out.

In today’s market, generic templates simply don’t cut it anymore.

So how do you break through the noise and convince potential clients that your web design services are worth their time?

The answer lies in crafting personalized and visually engaging cold emails that feel genuinely tailored to each prospect.

The Pitfalls of the Old Approach: Why Generic Emails Fail

Before we dive into the new strategy, it’s crucial to understand why the traditional cold email approach doesn’t work.

The old way relies heavily on templates that only change the first name and company name.

screenshot web design cold email


Prospects are smart—they know when they’re receiving a message that’s been sent to thousands of others.

This lack of personalization leads to two significant problems:

  • Low Deliverability: Email providers are becoming better at detecting automation. When they identify multiple emails with similar content being sent out rapidly, they’re likely to send your message straight to the spam folder. This means your crafted emails may never even reach your prospects' inboxes.

  • Low Reply Rates: Even if your email does make it to their inbox, prospects can quickly tell when an email isn’t genuine. They’ll see right through the generic messaging and your email will be dismissed or deleted without a second thought.

To truly capture attention, you need a different approach—one that speaks directly to your prospects and demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to understand their unique needs.

This is where personalization powered by AI can make all the difference.

How the Game Has Changed

Prospects are not just ignoring generic emails—they’re actively tuning them out.

They’ve seen it all: the "quick question" subject lines, the overly formal intros and the classic template where the sender claims to have done “extensive research” but then clearly knows nothing about the recipient’s business.

These types of emails feel like noise and busy professionals won’t hesitate to hit the delete button.

This is why it’s more important than ever to adopt an approach that makes your outreach stand out, appear genuine and actually offer value to the person reading it.

The New Approach: Personalization with Visual Impact

The secret to successful cold outreach lies in making your emails feel genuinely tailored to each prospect’s website.

Instead of generic lines that could apply to any company, you need to dig deeper and provide feedback or insights specific to their website.

But how do you achieve this level of personalization at scale?

The answer is by using an AI writer empowered with ChatGPT Vision, that can analyze and adapt your emails based on the visual aspects of each prospect’s site.

GTP vision versus without GPT vision for personalization

By incorporating visual references to their website in your emails, you create an experience that feels authentic and engaging.

This approach not only demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to review their site, but it also positions you as a professional who cares about delivering value.

Cold Email Template #1: The 3-Point Website Feedback

The first cold email template focuses on offering valuable insights into your prospect's website. 

This approach allows you to showcase your expertise while proving that you’ve taken a genuine interest in their online presence.

The key to making your outreach more effective is leveraging AI technology that understands both textual and visual elements.

This is where RepliQ’s AI writer, which incorporates ChatGPT Vision, is useful.

Unlike conventional AI tools that only rely on text-based analysis, RepliQ’s AI writer can analyze your prospect's website on a deeper level, incorporating visual insights into the email.

This means your outreach isn't just text-heavy but includes feedback based on the design, layout, and structure of the prospect’s website, making it feel truly personalized.

cold email gpt vision

By using RepliQ’s AI writer, you can seamlessly generate high-quality, customized cold emails that resonate with your prospect’s unique situation.

It mimics the insights that a senior digital marketing expert with a strong background in web design and conversion rate optimization would provide, making your outreach stand out and feel genuinely crafted.

Here’s how to implement the first template using RepliQ's AI writer and the provided prompt:

  1. Log into RepliQ’s dashboard, choose “text”
gpt vision RepliQ

  1. Add your website, RepliQ will automatically generate your USP
personalized cold email

  1. Add your prompt
personalized cold email

  1. Add your prospect list
personalized cold email

  1. DONE

Now you have a full list with fully written emails adapted to each of your leads that are highly relevant to the prospect.

Prompt to Use:

"Write a cold email to provide value with the goal to pique curiosity. Start with, 'I came across your website…' and end with a soft call-to-action (CTA) and a question.

Pretend to be a senior digital marketing expert with a background in conversion rate optimization and web design.

Point out 3 parts of this website that you believe stand out and are not done well or could be improved by the marketer or team who created it. Think deeply about how the visual and text elements align with conversion rate best practices.

Use the format:

Feedback point 1

Feedback point 2

Feedback point 3

Don't include a subject line or anything else, as I will use this exact copy in my email."

By using this prompt, the AI will generate a highly specific, tailored email that doesn’t just feel like a template. Instead, it will touch on real elements of the website that only someone who visited the page would know about. This creates a much more authentic connection with your prospect, increasing the chances that they will respond.

Why This Works

personalized cold email web design

Visual and Textual Analysis: The incorporation of ChatGPT Vision ensures that your email addresses both visual and textual aspects, providing a holistic review that feels like it was done by a real expert.

Personalization at Scale: Instead of spending hours reviewing each website manually, RepliQ’s AI writer does the heavy lifting, allowing you to create highly personalized emails in a fraction of the time.

Building Credibility: By pretending to be a senior digital marketing expert, the AI-generated content carries authority, making your prospect more likely to take your feedback seriously.

This approach not only sets you apart but also makes your outreach harder to ignore.

It shows that you’ve taken the time to understand your prospect's unique situation, demonstrating that you're not just another agency sending out mass emails.

Template 2: Creating Personalized Videos with PS 

In this approach, we're taking personalization to the next level by incorporating videos into our outreach strategy.

The idea is to create a pre-recorded video where you present yourself as the expert, and in the background, you have your prospect's actual website displayed.

This method leverages the power of visual engagement, making it almost impossible for your prospect to ignore your outreach.

personalized cold email web design

The key to this strategy is to make the video feel unique to the recipient, even though it's automated.

This is achieved by using RepliQ that can customize the background with each prospect's website.

Here’s how you can implement this template effectively:

Create a Pre-recorded Video: Record yourself explaining how you could help their website's design or performance, ensuring that your delivery is confident, insightful, and personable. Keep it short (around 60–90 seconds) but impactful.

Include Their Website in the Background: With your video, RepliQ will add their website adapted to each lead displayed in the background. This reinforces that you’ve taken the time to understand who they are, which adds a massive layer of authenticity to your outreach.

End with a Personalized PS: In the email accompanying your video, add a postscript (PS) where you mention a specific visual aspect of their website. This is achieved with the AI writer feature as above. Instead of using a prompt you are choosing the postscript option. This small detail shows that you genuinely explored their website, making your outreach feel even more genuine.

personalized cold email web design

Why This Works

Engagement: Videos are incredibly engaging and provide a more dynamic experience than plain text. Prospects are more likely to click on a video link than read through a lengthy email.

Personalization: Having their website in the background is a powerful way to show you’ve done your homework, making them feel like you’re already invested in helping their business.

Human Touch: Even though it’s automated, the video feels like a one-to-one interaction. It’s far more compelling than an email that could have been sent to thousands of other prospects.

Addressing Their Pain Points: The personalized PS adds an extra layer of customization, proving that you’ve genuinely explored their website and are not just sending out mass emails.

This approach combines the power of video with personalization, ensuring that your outreach stands out in a crowded inbox.

When prospects see their website being discussed in your video, it instantly grabs their attention and makes them more likely to respond.

This strategy allows you to cut through the noise and engage potential clients on a level that feels truly unique, making your Web Design agency’s outreach impossible to ignore.

The Power of AI: Scaling Personalization

The beauty of this approach lies in its scalability.

With tools that are empowered with ChatGPT Vision, you can create personalized emails that adapt to each prospect’s website without spending hours on research.

AI can quickly analyze a website’s design, structure, and SEO elements, enabling you to craft messages that feel like they were written just for that prospect.

This allows you to maintain the human touch that’s so crucial in cold outreach, while still reaching out to dozens or even hundreds of prospects efficiently.

Understanding the Buyer’s Mindset

When you craft emails with a personalized touch, you’re tapping into a fundamental aspect of human psychology: the need to feel seen and understood.

Prospects are far more likely to engage with emails that acknowledge their specific challenges and offer tailored solutions.

By addressing elements of their website, you’re not just sending an email—you’re starting a conversation that feels relevant and valuable to them.

The PS Technique: Adding a Personalized Touch

Including a personalized PS in your emails adds an extra layer of authenticity. Mentioning a specific element of their website that you noticed—whether it’s a unique design feature, a recent blog post, or an outdated logo—shows that you’ve genuinely taken the time to explore their site. This small detail can be the difference between your email being dismissed or taken seriously.

personalized cold email web design

This simple addition reinforces the fact that your outreach is not just another automated email, making it harder for prospects to ignore.

Avoiding Spam Filters: How Personalization Boosts Deliverability

One of the biggest challenges in cold outreach is ensuring your emails actually reach your prospects.

By crafting highly personalized emails, you reduce the risk of being flagged as spam.

Email providers prioritize genuine, unique content over mass-produced messages, so your efforts to personalize each email will pay off in increased deliverability.

The Long-Term Benefits of This Approach

By adopting this personalized, value-driven approach to cold outreach, you’re not just increasing your chances of landing a meeting or sale—you’re also building your agency’s reputation as a thoughtful, knowledgeable partner.

Over time, this approach will help you develop stronger relationships with prospects, leading to more referrals, repeat business, and long-term success.

Final Thoughts: Quality AND Quantity

In the world of cold outreach, the key to success isn’t about sending as many emails as possible—it’s about sending the right emails to the right people.

Even done at scale.

By focusing on personalization, visual engagement, and genuine value, you’ll not only increase your response rates but also position your agency as a leader in the web design space.

So, say goodbye to generic templates and embrace this personalized approach.

Your future clients—and your inbox—will thank you.

Get started with RepliQ today.

Tired of generic messages?
Improve your agency's cold outreach with personalized messaging for higher response rates and more booked meetings.

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